The University of Northern Iowa’s PSE chapter, epsilon-theta, would like to introduce you to our new directors who are tasked with the job of helping our e-board wherever they can. There are ten new directors who plan to improve epsilon-theta with their hard work and determination. Each one brings a unique set of tools and their own personal touch to bring into the chapter.
The first set of directors are the Directors of Finance. The first is Haleigh Johnson. Haleigh has completed two semesters in PSE, and she jokes that Macy and Liv made her join, but really she joined for the opportunity of creating new networking connections and to gain friendships along the way. As for signing up to be a director, Haleigh wanted to offer the skills that she has learned throughout her schooling, but also to have the opportunity for new experiences that she may not have had before this new role of leadership. Haleigh looks forward to her position so that she may be able to help with funding applications and make sure PSE has all the appropriate forms filled out. Hunter Nielson is the second Director of Finance. He is currently in his second year at UNI and has completed two semesters in PSE. Hunter joined PSE to meet new people and to build his professional skills, then signed up to be a director so that he could further his involvement in the chapter. Hunter is most excited to see how the financials work out for the chapter. Both Haleigh and Hunter will do an excellent job in supporting our chapter on the finance side. The next group of directors are the New Member Education Directors. They are tasked with helping find and train new brothers that are led to join the chapter. Max Klieman is one such director. Max is a junior here at UNI and has completed three semesters in the chapter. When asked why he chose to join PSE, he said, “I joined PSE because I really wanted to grow my professional development. I was also a transfer student and wanted the opportunity to meet more people who shared similar interests as me. It’s amazing to have so many great friends that are so goal-oriented and focused on bettering themselves every day.” Max was also asked why he signed up to be a director. His response was that he wanted to have a larger responsibility and leave a lasting impact on the chapter. Max says that being a director for the new members is a great experience because he gets to introduce them to the amazing chapter that is epsilon-theta. Not only is he excited about introducing the chapter, but Max is also excited to share with the new members what PSE is all about and be transparent about what they can expect. He wants to see the new members develop in their own way and looks forward to seeing how they contribute to the chapter going forward. Megan Bennington is our second New Member Education Director. She is a sophomore here at UNI and is in her second semester with PSE. Megan joined PSE so that she could make connections and network more in the business world. As for being a director, she signed up to get more involved with the chapter and its inner workings. Megan’s main goal as a director is to meet new members on a personal level and help them in any way that she can along their path. The Director of Activities is a director that helps the chapter to let off steam during our weekly meetings by planning activities. Colin Spies is our director for this task. Colin is a freshman here at UNI and this is his second semester in PSE. He joined because he wanted to be involved in an organization that would help nourish his business skills while providing a great way to network for future job opportunities. Colin signed up to be a director so he could be more involved in the chapter and help make the meetings more fun while still engaging in the important business. He is most excited about using these activities to create closer social cohesion among chapter members and new members. Epsilon Theta’s new Directors of Media Production are to help keep the community and supporters of PSE involved by keeping them up to date on the happenings of the chapter. One director is Haley Christensen. Haley is a sophomore here at UNI and in her second semester in PSE. She joined PSE because she had heard a lot of great things from people in her classes that were doing better and advancing their business skills faster than other students due to their time in PSE. She signed up to be a director so that she could improve her social media skills while being a more active member of the chapter. Haley is most excited about enhancing her social media skills and bringing a positive atmosphere to PSE. The other Director of Media Production is Loralei Jackel. Loralei is a sophomore at UNI in her second semester in PSE. She joined PSE because she was new to the business world and thought PSE seemed like a great group that she could get real-life experience from along with great connections for the future. As for the director position, she signed up because she currently owns her very own business, a Hawaiian Shave Ice food truck, that she thoroughly enjoys. Loralei manages her business’s social media accounts and has a lot of experience and knowledge that she hopes to share while getting more involved in PSE. Loralei is very excited to further the name of PSE and get more people aware of what PSE means. The next group of directors are the Directors of COG. They are tasked with keeping up with our COG points for the year for the chapter. Nathan Duro is one of the two directors. Nathan is a sophomore at UNI and in his third semester in PSE. He joined the group to grow himself professionally and to meet other driven students within the college of business. When asked why he signed up to be a director, Nathan said, “I signed up to be a director to help keep the chapter on track with our goal (and expectation) of reaching Top Gold. I felt that I could really help with the organization and efficiency of filling out COG reports.” Nathan is also most excited to be working with Sam Schraut and Ryan Connolly, who he says are both great guys. Ryan Connolly is the second Director of COG. Ryan is a freshman at UNI and has been in PSE for since last semester. He joined PSE because he wanted to meet new people, grow professionally, and have fun. Ryan chose to be a director because he wanted more responsibilities and to gain experience by being more involved within the chapter. Ryan is most excited about working together with Sam Schraut through the tasks he is assigned. Lastly, is our Director of Alumni Relations, Brennan Erkel. Brennan is a sophomore here at UNI and has completed three semesters in PSE. He joined to form a bond with more business students and to surround himself with people who cared about his development. Brennan chose to be a director because he wanted to do his part for this chapter and to form stronger relationships with those in the chapter. He is most excited about his role in helping and building relationships with some of our current e-board members. That concludes our new directors in Epsilon-Theta’s chapter. PSE looks forward to the future of the chapter and the continued support of the community. The future of PSE looks bright and exciting as it welcomes the new directors.